In Kaleido Star, Sora gets this treatment from almost the entire cast because of a misunderstanding (if you’re feeling forgiving) or because of the cast’s nasty habit of jumping to conclusions (if you’re not) they assume she cheated her way in because of her unorthodox admission into the crew. Compounding the problem was the berating she got from Layla in front of the other prospective Stage members and the fact she joined slightly later than the other rookies, making her the odd man out. Classic Chilly Reception behaviour ensues, with Sora being lumbered with an unfair amount of the chores and hazed at every opportunity, even by her future True Companions, Mia and Anna.

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replica celine bags Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Freddie becomes the Great Grivnizoid, a godlike cosmic energy source, after eating the Great Popsicle Brain Uploading: Howling Frog’s Great Popsicle is a computer simulation of his brain in the form of a paper mache popsicle Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: Chef Chow’s Hot and Spicy Oil, a condiment used in folklore to kill a giant. Cargo Cult: Many characters worship and respect the Great Popsicle. Justified, as the Great Popsicle is the godlike essence of pure love in the form of a popsicle. Cool Old Guy: Borgel. Cthulhumanoid: Grivnizoids in their true from. Everything Sounds Menacing In German: Or at least more important. Freddie wrote a book length essay on Popsicles (Popsikellen: Geist und Wissenschaft) entirely in German, just to prove that he was serious about the topic. Fire and Brimstone Hell: Literally The Theme Park Version. Hell is portrayed as a flashy theme park with long lines to get in. Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Borgel’s relationship with his father. In The Old Country, people are too poor for things like food or affection, and have to scrape by on squashed skunks and blows to the head. My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels The Old Country: Where Borgel comes from. It’s also in Another Dimension. Punctuation Shaker: Pak Nfbnm, aka Freddy. Shapeshifter Default Form: Freddie is a monstrous Grivnizoid but presents as a small older man most of the time Spoof Aesop: In Borgel’s stories. Starfish Aliens: Arnold, the Amorphoid Fleshopod Talking Animal: Fafner, after they exit Earth’s dimension What a Piece of Junk: Borgel’s car. It’s about seventy years old, the country that made it went out of business, it exudes clouds of smoke, and Borgel has to hotwire it in order to get it to start. But it travels through time space and the other, and goes up to two times the speed of light. The Unpronounceable: Borgel’s real last name sounds nothing like MacTavish, but even less like anything else. You Kill It, You Bought It: Freddie becomes the Great Grivnizoid and takes on the role of the Great Popsicle after eating it replica celine bags.