The Truth About Cutting the Cable TV Cord VIDEO

Ad agency Hill Holliday recently conducted an experiment, asking five families to give up cable TV in favor of connected TV devices for a week.

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The agency conducted interviews with the participants at the beginning and end of the week, and also had the participants record their own thoughts throughout the process. Hill Holliday compiled that footage into a short video clip and presented the results of the experiment at last week’s TVnext summit.

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Meanwhile, Verizon is already testing some live streaming apps for the iPad and other tablets.

I have long been of the opinion that the cable companies have the most untapped potential in the evolving connected device market. Rather than competing against offerings from Amazon, Netflix and iTunes, cable companies should leverage their strengths and make content more accessible on computers, tablets and smartphones.

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One of the experiment’s participants commented on how aaa replica designer handbags TV is a “passive” experience. This is true. For better or worse, television requires very little effort on the part of the user. Aside from changing the channel or looking at the onscreen TV guide, television is just “there.”

Connected purse replica handbags devices, on the other hand, demand a lot more user effort. Viewers have to make conscious choices about what content they want to watch. This is fine if someone wants to watch a specific movie or TV show, but it can be less satisfying for the channel surfer. There is much less serendipity built into the current generation of connected Replica Bags Wholesale devices.

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Likewise, even the best set top boxes have usability issues that prevent them from truly operating as background devices. A frustrating aspect of setting up Boxee or Roku is that despite being “connected,” these devices require using a computer or smartphone to set up or enable accounts with Netflix or Pandora. Apple makes the Netflix sign in process much less time consuming, but even then, a user cannot sign up for a Netflix account from within the Apple TV.

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