The church's Sunday potluck lunch features African stews and

The parliament failed to bring about unification, for it lacked the support of...

Britain's cost of livingThe opposite is true for the British:

When Countryman and Jackson were finally arrested in 1988, Garcia probably came...

" This was just something the set designer just felt like

Ricky’s mom’s apology for the look of the (immaculate) house also...

I substituting some stash yarn

Most of them use cleansing milk as a makeup remover but not as a cleanser....

The possibility of the students' voice being silenced was real

Take another look at that Minority Report scene. When Cruise goes to shake Colin...

Such contact may involve the transportation of the individual

Payne Bradley’s piece is driven by Arvo Prt’s austere and mystical...

Upon its arrival in America, it didn't experience much success

As indicated by the standard conclusion in the United States...

Covered dish supper with meeting to follow

Am commanded by the queen to thank you for your letter of the 16th instant, and...

This maps to 11 July (Gregorian calendar)

Shattuck critiques Itard’s process of education, wondering why he never...

He told Castrovince that he had to hitchhike to the ski lift

Yes! Here in LA you have access to healthy things, but...