W5 uncovers 300 suicide deaths by patients in Canadian hospitals

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He had used his bathrobe and a chair that was Replica Bags Wholesale left in the hospital washroom to hang himself from a ceiling grate. His family Replica Designer Handbags has no idea how this could happen while Prashant was supposed to be supervised.

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Through freedom of information requests Fake Handbags filed in every province over many months, W5 was able to extrapolate data to produce a national picture of inpatient suicides. It is believed that there have been approximately 300 deaths over ten years involving suicidal patients who were supposed to be on strict watch. Ninety eight of those cases occurred in Ontario.

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For Lynn Allan from Mission, British Columbia, getting her 22 year old son, Ross, into a hospital was a relief. The avid skier, who had graduated from high school, winning scholarships, had been struggling with schizophrenia for several years.

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Yet Ross, who was supposed to be under continuous observation by hospital staff, was able to obtain a knife Designer Replica Bags and use it to cut an electrical cord from a hospital bed in a hallway and then use the cord to hang himself in a staff washroom. The hospital staff did not find his body for almost four hours after he had already taken his own life. A hospital wholesale replica designer https://www.handbagaol.com handbags security video, obtained by W5, shows Ross roaming the hallways, carrying the electrical cord as he walks past hospital staff.

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