Upgraded metro New Orleans levees will greatly reduce flooding

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Yet Replica Bags Wholesale corps and emergency preparedness officials high quality replica handbags are discouraging complacency. They renewed their warnings that levee improvements are replica handbags online aimed at protecting property and not people. Damage from winds could cut off electricity for days, and a worst case hurricane could still cause significant flooding, making the area inside the new levee system uninhabitable for days.

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Replica Bags Wholesale The results are obvious in much better protection, reflected on a map produced by the corps to assess the risk of flooding inside the new levee system from a suite of 500 year surge events. Replica Bags Wholesale

According to the map, most property inside the cheap replica handbags levees would remain dry or see minor flooding, even if half the interior pumping stations failed. Most remaining floodwaters within the levee system Replica Handbags would reach Fake Handbags less than 2 feet deep.

By contrast, vast areas of New Orleans and St. Bernard Parish Replica Bags were submerged under 8 feet of water or more after Katrina.

Some problem areas still remain, however. Pumping systems across the metro area will still be unable to keep up with the rainfall delivered by a 500 year storm, which could be more than 13 inches in 24 hours. That’s the amount of rain in the New Orleans area by an average 100 year rain only event.

Some locations could also see limited levee overtopping, including areas just south of the natural levee of the Mississippi River in English Turn and Algiers, replica handbags online which could flood from overtopping of the river levees by surge traveling upriver. Hurricane levees in parts of St. Charles Parish could also see overtopping.

Traditional low spots in New Orleans also are likely to see some flooding from rain, including Broadmoor and the Lower 9th Ward. On the West Bank, the risk map indicates areas just north of a new levee segment adjacent to Lake Cataouatche, mostly farmland, could see significant flooding. Even in those areas, most locations would see much less than 8 feet of water, dramatically less than the 10 feet to 20 feet that occurred during Katrina in parts Replica Bags of the metro area.

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Wholesale Replica Bags A former director of research and development for the corps, Link chaired the corps sponsored Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force that conducted a two year forensic evaluation of how and why levees and floodwalls failed during Katrina. The task force used those lessons to assist the corps in developing new rules for building levees in the New Orleans area and nationwide. Wholesale Replica Bags

Designer Fake Bags The design of levees starts with assumptions about the kinds of replica handbags china hurricanes they will be built to withstand. For the pre Katrina levees, the corps used a so called “standard project hurricane,” one that engineers felt had a reasonable possibility of occurring. Such a storm had a specific set of features: the low pressure in its center, the storm’s forward speed, and how far maximum winds KnockOff Handbags extended from Replica Bags Wholesale the storm’s center. Designer Fake Bags

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Engineers adjusted most Replica Designer Handbags levee heights in the New Orleans system to take into account Betsy’s unprecedented surge. However, they were not Replica Designer Handbags adjusted for Camille’s even greater surge heights in Mississippi, the Link led forensic study and congressional replica handbags online investigations found.

After Katrina, the engineering community abandoned the standard project hurricane idea as outdated.

Modeling storms, from 25 year events to 5,000 year monsters

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Fake Handbags Using the same supercomputers used by the Army to run the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the engineers designing New Orleans’ new levees tested each storm along a wide variety of paths, at different forward speeds and accompanied by varying amounts of rainfall. They added in the effects of waves accompanying the surge. As a result, more than 62,000 model runs were used to develop the overhauled levee system. That meant that a larger hurricane will likely cause some overtopping, but the levees, floodwalls and other structures were supposed to remain in place Fake Handbags.