winning farmer finds a place to stand

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There are few clues to the past life of the man checking the hooves purse replica handbags of some of the 20,000 sheep on the farm which has been in wholesale replica designer handbags the Hore family for 107 years.

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She remembers when the Highlanders came to the farm for preseason training and did their best to haul rams around, and then ran fence wire up and down the rolling hills of this 20,000 acre farm. Tyrell is learning the haka and has just started playing rugby; his younger sister Esm is a little scared of these new visitors.

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There is a proud history of All Blacks and farming. Sir Colin Meads, Sir Brian Lochore and Graham Mourie all come from that background.

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“But I did always come back whenever I could. In 2011 before the World Cup I played six games for Maniototo building up to the tournament. The All Blacks are now a bit of a past life for me. When the Lions come over and the hype increases, you realise that what you did is a little bit special.

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The sheep have finally been checked. The sun is just peaking above the crest of the vast ridges either side of Stonehenge Farm. Shadows are cast down the hills; the odd cow continues to graze. Dogs are loaded back into the 4x4s.

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